8th July |
Deciduous fringe of Coniferous plantation
And some earlier material that required analysis. The moth larva in Typha latifolia (June 4th, June 17th) is now confirmed as Bulrush Wainscot. Rain most of the day. |
First we spot the damaged leaves, and then after a bit of a search we find the larvae of the Bronzy Willow Beetle - Phratora vitellinae.
A Sawfly was perched forlornly on a Marsh Thistle. |
A couple of fly larvae emerged from the Horse Mushroom from 6th July. |
A couple of specimens from Drumboe on the 5th July: |
I didn't realise these two pictures were related until I did a little research. The larvae of Incurvaria pectinea - a micromoth - make tiny (1cm. diameter) circular mines in the leaves of Birch (left). When they're ready to pupate they cut out the holes and descend to ground level to pupate in the rolled leaf circle. The residual leaves are diagnostic.
And on the same tree, rolled leaves containing the larvae of what is currently thought to be yet another micromoth - Epinotia solandriana. Time will tell, although other options are unlikely.
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