1st June |
Lough Erne, Co. Fermanagh.
Sunny with hot spells. |
So much to show...how to arrange it? Chronologically usually works best. |
One of the Longhorn Beetles - Rhagium bifasciatum. About 2 cm. long. |
Brooklime - Veronica beccabunga - is ahead of my local specimens. |
A little (1cm.) sawfly on Alder.
A large (3 cm., excluding tails) Mayfly; an Ephemerid - identified by the back-swept M2 vein as shown by the arrow. Perhaps Ephemera vulgata.
The structure of the thorax with those numerous leg and wing joints is mind-boggling. |
A Caddis Fly. These are regularly mistaken for moths.
This Alder was covered in leaf galls. The leaf damage is quite extensive.
Nicrophorus vespilloides is a corpse-burying beetle. This one homed in on a pile of dog excrement and immediately began to dig under it. It appears to be carrying two passengers. |
Our most common Click Beetle - Athous haemorrhoidalis. |
I haven't yet fully worked out what is happening on this Lime leaf. There's a green Aphid (top left), a series of mines (or galls), and a small larva or nymph on the central vein. |
Valerian is ready to open.
This large shrub has yellow/green flowers about 8 mm across and tri-lobed leaves. I seem to remember red berries on it last year. Probably Guelder Rose. |
Herb Bennet - Geum urbanum - and Water Avens - Geum rivale -
readily hybridise, and they back-cross with the parents. In a 100m stretch
I found all forms from one extreme to the other.
Top two pictures show the two species, and the lower picture shows the hybrid Geum x intermedium. |
The first generation of Peacock butterflies is coming to an end. This specimen has clearly been around for a while.
I really like the left hand image. (Shot on telephoto) |
Beech flowers are almost over already. |
I'm seeing lots of tiny Weevils this year. They're either more numerous or my eye is getting attuned to them. |
![]() Not much mistaking the guilty party in this image. Entomophthora muscae - a pink fungus - has killed this Hoverfly. |
A pair of Helophilus Hoverflies. Not Helophilus pendulus from my very brief snapshot. |
And finally for today (phew)..Pendulous Sedge - Carex pendula. |
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