16th August |
My garden and then a late visit to high heath.
Frequent rain showers. |
The second generation Peacocks have started. I see one or two each time I'm out. |
Helophilus pendulus is a very busy hoverfly. They rarely stop for a photograph. |
I've been seeing this leafhopper for a while, now, without getting an id. A bit of perseverance has delivered Cicadella viridis. |
These litle Solitary Bees were being less solitary than usual. I suppose they must have grubs to feed. |
This is the beast behind the Willow leaf damage. The Green Willow Leaf Beetle - Gastrophysa viridula. |
The white Bush Vetch is making a second push. Summer must be over.
This Apple tree grows amongst the willows up on the bog. The apples are small but taste rather good. |
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