17th August |
A couple of visits to the high heath.
Frequent rain showers. |
Second-generation butterflies are increasing in number and if the late summer holds the Peacock (left) and Small Tortoiseshell (right) should soon be bolstered by the offspring of immigrant Painted Lady and Red Admiral.
I keep trying for a really good 'hoverfly hovering' picture. This is my latest attempt. Episyrphus balteatus landing on Devilsbit Scabious.
A good season for Ichneumonids continues. These pictures show some of the variation in ovipositor length.
But this one is simply stunning. Ichneumons are usually long and thin. This one is tall and thin. The abdomen is extremely short and the antennae are much longer than usual. I'm still trying to formulate a reason for this configuration.
This pair of images shows the extreme similarity between Sawflies. The only visible differences are the underside of the abdomen and the subtle shading of the green.
I'm sure I've seen this metallic blue one before.
A couple of Eristalis species, starting with Eristalis intricarius. Eristalis tenax. Eristalis interruptus (left) and E. tenax (right). |
![]() I'm trying to confirm this as the second of this year's Ectemnius wasps. These are predatory on hoverflies. |
Larvae on flowers are often moth larvae and this one is no exception. Mottled Pug - Eupithecia exiguata. |
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