
9th October


Original Hedgerow, leg 1.


Scattered showers, especially when I was taking pictures.


A solitary Dandelion was worth a shot. Nice colour on a dull day.

And then the shock of the season so far: a Common Dog Violet - Viola riviniana - in flower. This is approximately 6 months late. The verge was cut back severely in June this year, so the regrowth might have stimulated the flowering process. I also note that the day length is not too dissimilar from that in April, when the flowers would be expected.


The second image is a seedpod from an earlier flowering.

It's been a very good year for fungi in general and the Horse Mushroom in particular. This specimen was 12 cm. across.


Marsh Cudweed grows in the central rut in the middle of the path. Past its best, now, but the flowers never amount to much.


A nice batch of large Coprinus atramentarius from under the Hawthorn. 


One of the very few Agromyzid flies to make mines in Nettle: Agromyza anthracina. I'd have thought nettles would be an excellent place to make a mine.

The tiny, tightly-closed flowers of Pale Persicaria - Persicaria lapathifolia - tend to open when damp.

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