17th September |
More from the Fungal Foray to Baronscourt, NI.
Bright with showers. |
This small (3cm.) bracket was on dead Spruce bark. Looks like Postia caesia.
A bad shot of Clitocybe dealbata: small but deadly. This was growing about 1m. away from Clitopilus prunulus - the Miller - and it took a sharp eye to separate them. I ate the Millers for dinner: excellent. |
And this shot of Chanterelles shows how dry it was. |
An unknown Coprinus. I always find these very photogenic. |
The pink fungus looks like one of the parasitic Marchandiomyces. These live on lichens. |
At first this looked to be one of the Pezizas, but on turning it over it had a short pale stipe, so maybe something like Helvella acetabulum. |
Old stumps and dead branches are always worth a visit. This is Trametes versicolour - the Turkey Tail.
And the final fungus, an Earthball: Scleroderma citrinum.
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