25th September |
High Heath.
Heavy rain. |
A sequence showing the transformation of the Blackening Waxcap - Hygrocybe conica - from brightest scarlet to darkest black.
Another new species for the list. Larva of the Fox Moth - Macrothylacia rubi. About 5 cm. long. |
Mucilago crustacea - one of the Myxomycetes - on blades and stems of grass. Sample on the left about 4 cm. tall.
Orange-peel Fungus - Aleura aurantia - adds a touch of brightness on a dull day. |
This Sphagnum capillifolium adds another bright patch to the ditches and verges.
This is National Moth Night and a Rosy Rustic - Hydraecia micacea - obligingly flew into my kitchen. |
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