7th November |
High deforested area.
Dry but chilly. |
A few plants are producing flowers again after their autumn pause. This is Lesser Spearwort. |
This lichen is dotted on all of the exposed stones in this area. The fruitbodies look like droplets of tar.
On close inspection, the thallus of the lichen appears to attract water droplets in a pattern that is related to that of the fruit bodies: loosely in concentric circles.
The pale blue-grey leaves of Carex nigra - Common Sedge - are appearing after this year's growth had died back. |
Ragged Robin is flowering again, after a gap of about 3 months. |
A nice shot of some Cladonias (?fimbriata) and mosses. The taller Cladonia growth is about 15 mm tall. |
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