
19th April


Original Hedgerow, leg 2.


Bright and warm, with a sprinkle of drizzle.

The micromoth Ancylis badiana has just appeared. The second shot - on a Creeping Buttercup leaf - gives some idea of scale.



The first leaves of Beech are very attractive: delicate and translucent and fringed with fine hairs.


Female flowers - with ripening seeds - of the Grey Willow. With raindrops!


At last a decent shot of Anthocorus nemorum - a Flower Bug.

The Willow Leaf Beetle - Plagiodera versicolora - wastes no time in getting to grips with new leaves. The damage is already evident.



A side-shot of the micromoth Grapholita jungiella.

I've observed this fuzzy growth on Beech for ages. It's a liverwort: Metzgeria fruticulosa.


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