
28th March


Dull, today, but very mild. Various locations.

Experiment!  Click here to see a video of the moving spores from yesterday's Horse-tail.

The next few images come from a new area to the east of town. Mainly Hawthorn hedgerow.

I quite like the way the Dandelion becomes much more rounded just before it sets seed.

The Yellow Archangel is very close to flowering here, and the Butterbur has been left unmolested on the verge.


Many of the verges around here are now yellow with Lesser Celandines, Dandelions and Coltsfoot. The mushrooms on the right hand side were growing on wood chippings left over from some hedge trimming.


I went back to the Deele to see if the Bluebells are out yet. No luck, but I do like these Wood Anemones.

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