27th July |
High Heath.
Frequent showers. |
A close-up of this wasp was required before I could identify it as Dolichovespula norvegica - the Norwegian Wasp.
The micromoth Eucosma cana, about 12mm long. |
Red Bartsia is a semi-parasitic plant, living off the roots of neighbouring plants. |
The immigrant hoverfly, Scaeva pyrastri. It was crawling all over the thistle flowerhead and I eventually found that it appears to be eating the larvae of a beetle (right).
Willow Tar Spot has just appeared in the willow leaves. The spot will get larger and it usually covers the stalk of the leaf, 'glueing' it to the branch, thereby preserving the ability to spread spores for a longer period. |
Another of the Tenthredo sp. sawflies. |
A picture of the hoverfly Sericomyia silentis taken by my daughter. |
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