
25th November


High Heath.


Cloudy, dull and wet.

This is how everywhere looks at the moment: dull, dark and wet. This is an odd location, situated at the edge of clear-felled Spruce plantation, with deep ditches on either side of the path. One or two Spruce trees (right) survived the cull along with some Scots Pine, and the bushes on the left are Hawthorn. The deciduous trees in the distance are youngish Beech. The ditch to the left is the only local breeding place for the bumblebee-mimicking hoverfly Eristalis intricarius.


A few Devilsbit Scabious flowers are still alive.

And Common Ragwort is making a second flowering on old stems.


Evernia prunastri has fruit-bodies that look like green suckers. These produce pure fungal spores, with no algal content.

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