
2nd August


High coniferous plantation, and town verge.


Sunny and thundery. 6 Small Tortoiseshells.


This image and the next one were left over from yesterday.

This is one of the Soldier Flies - maybe Sargus bipunctatus. About 12mm long, it was very noticeable with its bright metallic colouring.

Yet another Ichneumon Wasp. This one was very flighty, and was about 2.5 cm long.


When I was a youngster, these Small Tortoiseshell butterflies were perhaps the most common species, along with the cabbage whites. This is the first I've seen this year.


This is a fungal gall - Taphrina amentorum - on the cone of the  Alder. There were a few of these, sometimes quite large (around 4 cm. long).


This is obviously a Woodlouse of some kind. But I've never seen a pink one, before. It is Oniscus asellus, the Common Shiny Woodlouse, but in pink rather than grey/brown. About 8 mm long.

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