
5th July


A trip to the seaside.


Bright periods with some cloud.

This is the Perennial Sow Thistle. The flower heads are enormous - about 10 cm across. The plant can also be over 2m tall.

I've noticed two forms of the leaves. One is very hard, shiny and prickly, the other is softer. The hard shiny leaves appear to be on plants on drier ground  - like verges. The second image shows the yellow hairs on the calyx - a good diagnostic feature.

This beach has deciduous woodland down to the edge of the sand. This Dryad's Saddle was growing on the stump of a Sycamore. The fungus is about 50 cm across, and is perhaps the largest specimen I've seen.


This is an Orache - Babbington's I think. It grows very prostrate, covering large areas of sand.


This picture was a timely reminder that we are now into the second half of the year. It seems like only a few days ago that I was launching the new website format.

Hawthorn berries, or Haws.

I usually find grasses tricky to identify. I took this picture in the hope that it might be different enough for an identification. I think it's Sand Couch.


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