
3rd October


Forestry fringes again.




Dull early with torrential rain later.

Two flowers that are still struggling along. On the left, the Meadow Vetchling, and Marsh Thistle on the right.


I ventured a little bit further into a very dark and damp area of the forestry. Photography was impossible in the darkness, but I brought out these samples.

Top left is Diatrype disciformis - about 4mm across each black dot. Then a clear jelly fungus, perhaps a Tremella of some kind.


The pink specimen is a Ramaria, but most of those grow on the ground. This one was on dead wood, so perhaps Ramaria stricta. About 8cm. wide x 6cm. tall.

I can't get an ID for this white fungus, and I'm not sure if the oval structures belong to the fungus or the underlying wood. Sudden thought - lichen?

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