
23rd October


More fungi (what else at this time of year?) This time from our highest local point. Recently harvested forestry.



Bright and dry.

I spotted this little (8mm.) Lycogala sp. - a  slime mould on a dead stump. The little balls opened to reveal a pinkish spore powder.


This little (2 cm.) mushroom - Clitocybe fragrans - varies dramatically in colour depending on whether it is dry or wet. The specimen shown is drying from the centre. It has an overwhelming odour of aniseed. I have a single specimen making a spore print, and I can smell it from the next room.


Coriolus versicolour is a bracket fungus that forms thin layers. The second photograph is an underside shot of three specimens. Specimens shown about 8 cm. across.


An underside picture of Sulphur Tufts. Does the picture work? I'm not quite sure.

Stumps of dead wood are often decorated with Dacrymyces stillatus. It looks like wax dripped from an orange candle.

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