
30th November


A nice visit to the original hedgerow.




Dry and bright.

Two plants still flowering. Herb Robert on the left and Common Daisy on the right.


Here's an unusually well-lit specimen of Lunularia cruciata - a liverwort. They normally grow in damp and dark places. This was growing on an old wall. The right hand picture shows the diagnostic crescent-shaped fruiting cups, which are about 3-4mm across.



This Coprinus had gone too far for an identification. I think there is a window of opportunity of only a few hours for these ephemeral fungi.

Possibly Coprinus lagopus.

Mosses are looking well at the moment. This is Thuidium tamaricinum - a very delicate and attractive species.


This Willow leaf with attached gall was lying on the path. No exit holes were visible, so I've kept it to see what emerges.


I spotted this Reed Bunting through my office window this morning, so it's in here, too.


Now that the grass is dying back, little seedlings are becoming more visible. This Hawthorn is about 7 cm tall, and still has its leaves. The mature plants lost theirs some time ago (you can see them in the background).

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