
1st December


So this is December, and the last month of the current project. Some 1850 images and 350 pages - roughly 100 megabytes of webspace. A Heritage award, and radio appearances, both live and recorded. Invitations to butterfly, fungus and orchid photography trips. Roadshows to schools in various parts of the country. New species records at national, county and 10k square level. I had no idea what I was starting with my diary last year. Let's see what December brings.


A quick trip to high heath.


Freezing fog early and late, with bright spells in the middle of the day.

This Conocybe sp. was already past its best and was drying of its own accord, hence the paler veination. Cap 12 mm. across.



This Conocybe dried to a pale cream colour within 10 minutes of picking it. Spores oval and yellow/brown. Cap 1 cm. across.


Dark lemon-shaped spores and a very domed cap lead to a Panaeolus, but I don't know which species. Cap 2 cm. across.

And lastly, sunset in east Donegal tonight.

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