2nd July |
Local disused quarry.
1 x Red Admiral, 2 x Meadow Brown, 2 x Speckled Wood. Sun, strong winds, rain. |
Here we have a pair of Common Blue Damselflies 'in cop.' |
Those of you who have been watching this site for a couple of years will know exactly what I feel about this flower. Slender St. John's Wort - Hypericum pulchrum.
The Meadow Brown - Maniola jurtina - appeared this week. They should be quite obvious for for a couple of months. |
Fairy Flax - Linum catharticum - has to be one of the trickiest flowers to photograph. Each flower is only 3 mm across, and gives you very little to focus on. Its other name of 'Purging Flax' gives some clues about its purgative properties. |
These two shots of our first local Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta - give no clues about what I had to to do to get the pictures. Suffice it to say that I'm still picking Thistle spikes and Gorse needles from my clothing and body parts. It's a very fresh specimen given the fact that it has flown thousands of miles to get here.
My first Dragonfly image of the year; a female Common Darter - Sympetrum striolatum. |
And lastly, a long-range shot of a male Blue-tailed Damselfly. |
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