4th July |
Murvagh beach, south Donegal.
6 x Large Green Fritillaries, 20 Common Blue, 5 Small Heath, 2 x Meadow Brown. Sunny and hot. |
![]() The Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus - was seen fairly frequently alongside the footpath. Perhaps 20 individuals. |
Two orchids from the wooded area. Common Spotted Orchid on the left and Common Twayblade on the right.
This was growing from a cushion very close to the ground. Must be Knotted Pearlwort - Sagina nodosa, althogh it's very different from my local ones. Flower about 1 cm across.
This is the Pyramidal Orchid - Anacamptis pyramidalis. |
Two more maritime plants - Wild Thyme - Thymus polytrichus - and Lady's Bedstraw - Galium verum.
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