Row at Whitechurch
Stone Row
Another great
pre-historic find was made at Whitechurch. A fine
example of three standing stones can be seen
here. This is known as a stone row.The stones are
found on the property of Séamus Kane and are
granite stones Their heights are 1m25cm, 1m40cm
and the tallest is 1m70cm.These stones are from
the Bronze Age. Sometimes the stone is alone and
is called a Standing Stone. They can also be in a
circle called a Stone Circle. It's possible that
these three in Whitechurch could have been part of
a Stone Circle.
These stone rows and circles were sacred places
and were places where some religious ceremony was
performed or to mark the location of a burial
place. Whitechurch,or an Teampall Geal got its
name from the time the White Monks lived here as
they wore white robes. There was a celtic
monastery here,which was dedicated to St.Abban in
the 7th century.