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Irish Throwing suffers from many myths which are unfortunately accepted as Gospel by those who know no better and passed on as such to generation after generation of Irish Throwers. Some of the more popular ones are listed below. Please submit any I've missed (Email :Irish Throwers Club), if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. I'll fill in the reasons they aren't true but it's going to take time. If you want to be really helpful send me the answers so I can just copy and paste. Throwing: When doing your technique work you must do it all at a snails pace until you perfect at least 100 throws in a row before you can move on to faster drills There's only one way to throw the discus "the Irish discus soccer kick". Keep that right leg in and sprint across the circle, never swing it out wide, after all, an ice skater pulls their leg in to spin quickly, puts it out to slow down In the glide you have to go long-short never short long Drag that hammer! Training with a heavy implement all the time will automatically make you better with the lighter weight Always train with heavy implements, not light ones "Drag the Discus as far behind you as possible through out the entire throw"......(Impossible unless your arms are made of strong rubber and not biomechanically efficient "Hip first followed by arm" ....(you need to be able to move the Hip and arm almost at the same time - a better way to state this is NEVER let your arm go ahead of your hip - it is fine if it is parallel to the hip - problem with this myth is that throwers develop a "pause" while they wait for their hip to come through and cause a feeling of separation from the arm) "Never work legs 2 days in a row" (not sure who came up with this one but it is useful to include speed/plyometric type weights the day after a heavy leg session) Conditioning: You need endurance for you gym work! Running is needed in winter to build a base for speed work! You have to run to lose weight Throwers must run in the winter time in order to loose weight to throw well in summer always giving the maxim "You carry fat, muscle carries you" High rep bounding is a good way to develop power Distance running will make you faster Don't eat before bed, it turns straight to fat Weight Lifting: You need to do 10 reps on each exercise to get strong 3 sets of 10 reps is all you need If you can't gain weight drink Guinness You have to do every exercise to exhaustion to make any gains Full squats are dangerous You have to wear a belt when squatting Olympic lifts are dangerous You have to wear a belt when Olympic Lifting Neider press is dangerous Ballistic bench is dangerous Box squats are dangerous Trunk twists are dangerous Do your dumbbell flyes with straight arms Compensatory acceleration training does not work, you need 15 reps to train for power Training the Eastern European way is only possible for drugged up athletes Dead lifts kill your back Lifting with out a belts will kill your back