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Letter from Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, Frank Fahey, to Senator Paschal Mooney, forwarded to the IWFPS.

Senator Paschal Mooney
Carrick Road

Dear Paschal,
I wish to refer to your recent letter on behalf of Mr. Geoff Cooper concerning a decrease in fish stocks and a large amount of foam below the weir at Tarmonbarry in the River Shannon.

The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board has responsibility for protection, conservation, management and development of fisheries in the Shannon catchment. The Board informs me that it, the E.P.A. and the local authorities have investigated a number of reports relating to the presence of foam below the weir at Tarmonbarry and have found no major pollution problem connected to same, however, the situation is still under review.

The Shannon Regional Board continues to be concerned regarding the affect (sic) the poor water quality is having on fish stocks in the Shannon Catchment generally. I understand that the Chief Executive of the Shannon Board has suggested a meeting be held with Mr. Cooper to discuss these matters.

I hope that this satisfactory (sic) to you.

Yours sincerely,

Frank Fahey
Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources.