Cooper's Comments 1
It is now an undeniable fact that the once mighty river Shannon is now
a shadow of its former self. Long term neglect by the river's so called
controllers has allowed it to become a carrier of sewage and both industrial
and farming waste. Phosphate levels are in some cases several hundred
times the accepted level. Iron content at times reaches astronomic corporations.
One of the society's water analysis reports showed iron levels in Lough
Forbes at 8,900 ppm when the ceiling level should be no more than 200ppm.
A worrying fact in this case was that the samples were taken less than
100m from where Longford's drinking supply is abstracted. I wonder what
the long term effect of huge intakes of iron and phosphate may have on
the human body.
Massive amounts of raw sewage can be seen on a regular basis pouring into
the river at Carrick, on one occasion making headline news in the Leitrim
Observer (Wed 23rd Aug 2000). Effluent can be seen on a regular basis
entering the water course from a large hotel further downstream. All of
this being carried on the current into Lough Forbes. Maybe the water we
drink has also been the carrier at some stage of raw human effluent.
A recent meeting with Eamon Cusack, head of the fisheries, revealed some
interesting facts. We were informed that in fact the fisheries have no
control over the water quality whatsoever. This appears to be true, but
what a contradiction in terms. It appears water quality is down to local
councils. Think about it....local councils being a law unto themselves
continue to allow water quality to decline resulting in the limited amount
of fish stocks we now have to disappear altogether. Without fish what
do the fisheries board then do for a living.
What I have written is food for thought. My next posting will once again
broach the subject of pollution and what this society believes needs to
be urgently done.
We are of the firm opinion that the situation is not irreversible, providing
action is taken now.
Watch this space.......
Geoff Cooper
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