Students Harness Aid for the Relief of the Elderly
Helping Cork's elderly poor since 1970.
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    When SHARE began in the seventies it’s main aim was to improve the living conditions of the elderly in Cork. Originally it was decided to try to “renovate” their existing houses by wallpapering, painting and carpeting. Though in the short term this improved the situation, dampness and lack of heating served to reverse the work done. It was decided to try to build some housing of our own. The scale of this task during the depression in the seventies should not be underestimated but the response of the public was such that SHARE opened it’s first complex – Clochan Barra – on Sheare’s Street in 1976.

    To date SHARE has built over 150 housing units since it’s humble beginnings in the seventies. The older complexes consisted of small terraced houses but the newer ones are one bedroom apartments in a building with shared facilities. Each house is centrally heated and has a kitchen, living room and bedroom.

    The latest project, the Brother Jerome Kelly Day Care Centre on Sheare’s street is a testament to how far the organization has come since it’s inception and shows that SHARE is as strong as ever and getting stronger all the time. This building not only houses 14 residents, but has a large hall, dining facilities, hairdressing, a southern health board clinic and more that are open to all SHARE residents, not just those housed in the centre itself.

    The quality of furnishing, the amenities and the security are excellent in all complexes. A massive renovation of the older complexes was completed in 2003 to bring all of the facilities up to the standard of the new Day Care Centre.

    For a detailed list of the SHARE complexes, click here.

S.H.A.R.E. Head Office,
Br. Jerome Kelly Day Care Center,
Clochán Barra, 43 Sheare's Street, Cork.

Tel: 021-4222260   |   E-Mail Us
Site Copyright © S.H.A.R.E. 2004