/ LANDER Additional
decoys to create a lifelike pattern
The lander is a decoy or shot bird on a pole support with wings outstretched,
as if coming in to land. There is no motor as it just bobs up and down slightly
in the wind. This is a very effective decoy and can be purchased or easily
at home. It highlights the white wing bars on the pigeon which attracts others.

The flapper is a decoy or shot bird on a cradle which, when operated opens
and closes the wings. It can be manually or battery operated. Again a manual
version can
easily be made at home. It is very effective as again it highlights the white
wing bars on the pigeon which attracts others and also adds movement to the
pattern. Pigeons who are passing hundreds of metres from the hide will
turn when they see the white flash from the wings, using this device.
Other motorised devices are also available to create movement - peckers,
feeders, etc. We have not tried any of these. They seem to be a worthwhile
addition to the set - up to add realistic movement and hopefully attract the
attention of incoming birds. When purchasing equipment one has
to be conscious of:
(a) the cost,
(b) if the article is easily damaged / broken,
(c) the extra baggage to be carried on each trip.