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It is of paramount
importance that shotguns are always stored and used in a safe manner.
Whether in the field or simply clay pigeon shooting, it cannot be
stressed highly enough how important it is to always be aware that you
are in possession of a lethal weapon.
Safety in the home
When not in use, always keep your shotgun safe and secure,
preferably locked away in your gun cabinet. It is preferable to
store your cartridges, locked and secure, in a separate cabinet or
Never put a loaded shotgun away in your cabinet.
Always prove that a shotgun is unloaded as soon as you handle it.
Always prove that a shotgun is empty, before handing it to someone
else, by offering it to them with the breech open.
Never load your shotgun indoors.
Never allow unauthorised persons access to your shotgun.
Never allow unsupervised or unsuitable persons, especially
children, access to your shotgun.
Never leave a shotgun, even unloaded, unattended.
Never stand a shotgun in such a position that it can fall or be
knocked over.
Transportation safety
Always keep your shotgun in its case or cover whilst transporting
Never transport a loaded shotgun.
If staying away from home overnight, your shotgun should be
stored, preferably with a Registered Firearms Dealer or in a secure
cabinet of another suitable certificate holder.
If it is absolutely necessary to leave your shotgun in a vehicle,
it must be stored out of sight, preferably in the locked boot.
Consider taking a small part of the weapon, such as the fore-end,
with you and always ensure that you lock the vehicle securely.
If this is to be a regular habit, consider having a lockable metal
storage case welded inside the vehicle's boot.
Remember, leaving your shotgun in the care of a hotel or guest house
patron, even in their safe, may expose them to being in unlawful
possession of a shotgun, unless they are also certificate holders.
Safety in the field
It is a sad fact that most incidents involving shotguns occur "in the
field". They are all
preventable and following this guidance could prevent
a tragedy or save a life.
Carry your shotgun in such a manner that it never points at anybody.
Have the safety catch on until you are ready to fire at your target.
Unload your shotgun before passing it to someone else.
Pass your unloaded shotgun stock first.
Unload your shotgun before traversing difficult terrain or obstacles.
Carry your shotgun "broken" and empty when travelling in close
Point the barrels in a safe direction when reloading.
Carry a hammer gun uncocked until ready to fire.
Point the barrels straight up while cocking the hammers.
Open a hammer gun, pointing the barrels toward the ground, and remove the
cartridges before uncocking it.
11. Lift the stock to the barrels when closing your shotgun.
Lift the barrels to the stock when closing your shotgun.
Uncock hammers onto loaded chambers.
Load a shotgun until you are ready to fire it.
Fire your shotgun until you have positively identified your quarry.
Fire your shotgun until you are absolutely positive it is safe to do so.
Put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire.
Put a loaded shotgun down or leave it unattended.
Lean a shotgun against or on anything, including any vehicle.
Attempt to fire unless you are in a comfortable and well balanced
Fire a shotgun whilst having a dog on lead under your control.
Attempt to climb over an obstacle or traverse a stream with a loaded
Use a shotgun that is in an unsafe condition, poor repair or out of proof.
Use the wrong type/calibre of cartridge in respect to your shotgun and
Use a shotgun whilst under the influence of alcohol.
Safety cannot be stressed enough
No matter how competent or expert a shot you may be, it is a fact of life
accidents, although nearly always preventable, can happen.
Never shoot without third party liability insurance.
As mentioned above, accidents are nearly always preventable. Be vigilant and
aware of possible dangers. Always act responsibly and never use a shotgun
under the influence of alcohol. Guns and drink are a recipe for disaster!
Always follow the Country Code and the following guidance could save your
Do not shoot at or near power lines or insulators.
Familiarise yourself with the location of power lines and other electrical equipment on the land where you are going to shoot.
Do not use power line poles or towers to support any of your shooting
Be aware that some power lines may not be obvious and obscured by trees.
Take notice of all warning signs and keep well clear of electrical
Avoid the use of lofting poles in the vicinity of overhead power lines.
Remember electricity can "jump" a considerable distance if
shorted out.
If an accident does occur involving electricity, keep well clear.
Call the emergency services via 999 and inform the local Electricity
Remember it is illegal to
Possess a shotgun without a shotgun certificate or permit.
Have a loaded shotgun in a public place.
Buy or sell a shotgun unless both parties hold a shotgun certificate,
are Registered Firearms Dealers, or the seller holds a permit.
Sell a shotgun which is out of proof.
Sell cartridges to someone not in possession of a shotgun certificate.
Shoot game without a game licence.
Shoot game on Sundays, Christmas day or at night.
Shoot game out of season.
Shoot protected species including racing pigeons.
Shoot wildfowl or game with a shotgun having a magazine capacity greater
than two cartridges.