Spinner / magnet


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A spinner / pigeon magnet is a rotary device which is operated by battery and spins two (or sometimes four) pigeons / crows around and around. It's greatest benefit, in our opinion, is that it adds movement to a pattern and distracts the incoming birds, focusing their attention on the magnet rather than the hide.


We tends to use decoys manufactured in a flying position on the magnet. One can also use real birds as decoys. If you wish to use real birds you will still need decoys to begin - until you shoot the two real birds needed - or, alternatively, bring thawed out birds saved from a previous shoot. (If using real birds the metal support needs to be inserted into the birds anal passage, up through the body and pushed into the base of the skull ! ) 


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Pigeons are the usual decoy for a magnet but if crows are attacking the crop then decoy winged crows or dead crows can be used. We have had great success using two flying greycrow decoys circling a kid's toy which resembled a dead rabbit. Magpie decoys in the hedgerow add realism to the set-up and instil confidence in birds approaching. Used in conjunction with a crow / magpie call it enticed rooks, greycrows, jackdaws and  magpies into the pattern. Their attention is focused on the movement of the magnet.


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When placing birds on the magnet's arms the body needs to be tilted slightly inwards towards the centre of the rotor - giving the appearance of a bird circling to land. ( The wing nearest the centre of the magnet will be slightly lower than the outer one) If the body is tilted outwards it looks as if the birds have been frightened and are taking off.


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Care must be taken in the transportation of the device. It is quite robust but a fall can damage it. The arms are designed at an angle and any distortion of these could upset the life-like picture being created.




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