Protecting Spreadsheet Worksheets and Displaying Formuals

PROTECT A WORKSHEET Choose as follows... 

Tools menu-Protection-Protect Sheet. (Ensure the contents option is selected)

If you choose a password be sure you remember it. Choose OK.

A message will tell you a cell is locked if you try to edit any cell containing a formula (provided the above is done correctly).
UNPROTECT A WORKSHEET Tools menu-Protection-Unprotect Sheet.
PROTECT CELLS CONTAINING FORMULAS ONLY You must first unlock the cells, which do not contain formulas. First you must select the cells that do not contain formulas and then choose options as follows...

Format menu-Cells-Protection-deselect the locked option.

Now activate sheet protection as follows...

Tools menu-Protection-Protect sheet. (Ensure contents option selected). If you choose a password be sure you remember it.

A message will tell you a cell is locked if you try to edit any cell containing a formula (provided the above is done correctly).

Protecting cells containing formula is standard practice as a complex model may be destroyed by accidentally keying data into formula cells.
OTHER PROTECTION OPTIONS Other levels of protection are available by choosing as follows...

Save As...-Options-Enter a password (which will need to be known for anyone else to open the file).

You can also tick the Read-Only recommended box. (Selecting this will prompt but not compel users to open the worksheet as read-only).
DISPLAYING FORMULA ON SCREEN  This option allows for examining entire worksheets' formula... 

Tools menu-Options--View tab--Tick the Formulas box.

This is a Spreadsheet Methods Handout, KIFET

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