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         Sarah's Page

My name is Sarah. I like Black Eyed Peas. I love football. My favourite team is Liverpool. I am 11 years old.

This is a list of my favourite things:

To sing in the bath

And watch Take That.

To cycle my bike along the road.

To see can I find any toad.

To play on the beach

And to eat some sweets.

To play my playstation 2 in my room

And watch funny Cartoons.

These are all my favourite things.  

This is my poem about Spring

S pring is cool.
 P atrick is a saint.
R  ed sunshine
I  love spring
N   o cold and snow
G  oing to play with the calves

This is my poem about Summer

S ome birds in the tree.
 U can see flowers in the grass.
M y birthday is in July.
M y dad makes the hay.
E veryone in the bog.
R esting in the sand and playing in the water.

This is a story I wrote when I was in 5th class.

The House was in Darkness

One night at my house Ann,Joanne and Michelle came and we had a sleep over.When the girls fell asleep I sat looking out the window and l saw a shooting star.l made a wish. I wished that something exciting would happen. I got fed up waiting so I went to sleep.

The next day we went for a walk out to the bog.We found a house on a rock. I said, I am going into the house. Joanne was afraid. Michelle, Ann and I opened the door. We walked into the house. It was dark. A big black cat appeared. It was scary! The cat ran up the stairs.

Ann, Joanne, Michelle and I went up the stairs.

A big door was open,the cat ran in the room.We did too.The room was dark.On the wall was a big hole it was dark.The cat ran it to the hole we did too.In the hole was a room.A big room and a witch.

The witch was sleeping. Joanne sat on the bed,the witch woke up. The witch cast a spell on Joanne.Joanne was a rat.She was going to cast a spell on Ann and Michelle but I kicked the witch on the black.The witch started to cry.

Ann got a gun and shot the witch Ann killed the witch.Michelle cast a spell on Joanne.

Click here to see my bible story