Senior ClassesJokepage

The Lovely new baby (or not!)

I got some great news one day from my mother.

She said, “You,ll soon have a new sister or brother”.

I was excited when I started to think About a new baby sister all dressed up in pink

But lo and behold my Mum had a boy So I put on a smile and I bought him a toy

But when he came home I got such a fright. He wasn’t what babies are s’posed to be like.

He cried and he cried and then cried some more, And then with a burp the threw up on the floor

He dirties his nappies and makes a big stink, And makes so much noise that I can’t even think.

But everyone loves him, I can’t understand. I wish I could send him to some foreign land!

By Sandra






Black cat bangers are going off

Dogs are very scared of the fireworks. Witches are working their magic


Leaves fall from the tall trees

The roads are covered with colourful leaves

Winter is on its way


Children are trick or treating

Sweets and monkey nuts are being given out

Zombies and Frankenstein are awake.


Hedgehogs are going to sleep for the winter

They’re building their nests with hay, straw and leaves.

By Kieran


Nature in Autumn

Evenings glow orange

Wind blows colourful

Leaves off trees

And trees don’t seem

As cosy as usual


I am afraid that

My pets might

Get blown away

Crows huddle together

It’s lucky they have feathers


I cannot sleep at

Night because

Jack Frost is at work

I hear the wind

Howl outside my window

By Louise




Forests are the homes,

Of animals, plants and trees,

The bees live in their honeycombs

They make as much honey as you can see.


Out in the country,

Trees are crimson brown,

Crops growing in the fields,

Just come and look around.


Fruits such as blackberries,

Grow on bushes just like cherries,

Apples and plums grow on trees.

In the ground grow the peas.

Badgers and hedgehogs hide underground,

There is no way to get near,

I like to go and look around,

The country quiet and peaceful.


Nature is such a wonderful thing,

It’s there for me and you,

God created it all,

For us to enjoy our whole life through.

By Melissa



Hedgehogs are getting ready for hibernation,

In Autumn he will collect berries

Birds eat berries and plums,

Eventually some birds will migrate,

Ripening plums and apples,

Needing moss, grass and paper for their nests,

Anything the birds find warm.

Time for hibernation is getting close,

In trees some animals will sleep.

Over the Winter months they will sleep,

Never rise until the heat of Spring


By Christina





Nature is everywhere

Animals play in fields

Trees, grass and flowers

Umbrellas when it’s raining

Rabbits jump about

Evergreen trees through the winter

By Sharon



Winter coming soon

Animals looking for shelter

Hedgehogs and squirrels too.

Winter has just come

It is time to go to sleep

Nuts and berries stored


Birds away for Winter

Off to Africa they go

Tired when they get there


It is very calm

Bears, hedgehogs, rabbits and mice

Asleep in their beds.


When they wake in Spring

They look for food and water

They are happy again.

By Ciara



In the woods you will see,

Oak, sycamore and evergreen,

Animals, insects, birds and bees,

Sun streaming through the trees.


Gradually the leaves begin to fall,

Red, yellow, russet and brown,

Bare and barren trees so tall,

Falling, falling, falling down.


Hedgehogs busy building,

Twigs, branches and leaves,

Tiny animals scurrying,

Spiders, the webs they weave.


Sad to se the Autumn go,

Windy weather wet and wild,

Here comes the rain and snow,

Indoor stays every child.

By Niamh



My Rabbit


I love my rabbit Oscar,

He is snug and cuddly,

He is nearly my best friend.


His long floppy ears sweep the ground.

All he does is eat and jump,

His two small teeth are the same size

As a baby’s fingernail.


I feed the birds in the morning,

But he will eat the bread.

I love my rabbit Oscar.

By Anna











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