Kilvemnon National School Projects 2000-2001




This school year, the pupils have taken part in two major projects:

1. Empowering Minds/Lego Mindstorms Control Technology Project.

Our project this year involves using design technology to create robots, to tell our stories. It has just begun so we are still learning the basic skills of Lego building. We will build lego models, and then program them, using the computer, to do what we want. We spent November and December playing with the Lego hardware coming to terms with the basics of constructing with Lego. In January, after a trip to the Young Scientist Exhibition in Dublin to see what other schools are doing with this technology, our thoughts turned to the main project for the year...

Our main project is based on local history and legends of the Mullinahone area. We are all working on different elements of the project, and we will put them together at the end. Click on the picture above to find out more about the work of our pupils.



2.Write-A-Book Project

This project is being run by the Kilkenny Education Centre, and involves each child in the designing, writing and publishing their own book. It took each child six weeks to complete the project, and involved them in drafting, editing, redrafting their work, using the Word Processor, and finally laying out their work in a 'professional' manner. Each pupil also designed and illustrated their pages and cover of their book. Click the book cover below to read some of our pupils' books