"Wednesdays at Kimmage"
year, KMI invites people who are leading scholars in a range of fields
to contribute to the popular "Wednesdays at Kimmage Series".
This series is open to everyone, and it explores national and international
issues of relevance to christian living.
Courses in this Series are offered to those who are following degree
and diploma courses, but also are open to others who are not engaged in
formal courses at the Institute. Information on this
year's courses is now available.
Topics and speakers in the past have included:
Theology of Inculturation / Non-Christian Religions / Spirituality
and Human Development / Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation /
Social Anthropology / Liberation Theology / Feminist God-Talk / Creation
Theology / Ministry and Community Building / Mission History / Inter-Faith
Dialogue / Ecumenism and Mission / Liberation and Feminist Perspectives
/ Ministry of Social Justice and Reconciliation / World Religions / Contemporary
Approaches to Mary / Changing World - New Age / Adult faith Development
/ The Poor - Challenge to Mission / Special Issues in Cross-Cultural Mission
Today / Church Through Culture and History: The Orthodox Tradition / World
Debt / Religion and Development
Invited lecturers have included, Donal Dorr; Sean Dwan, Sean McDonagh,
Brian Hearne (), John O'Brien, Cathy Halvey, Edmund Hogan, Michael
O'Sullivan, Mary O'Driscoll, Bernadette Flanagan, Diarmuid O'Murchu, Ciaran
Earley, Gemma McKenna, Michael McCabe, Peter Hughes, and Liam Wegimont.
Special Staff Seminars
Every two years the KMI Institute staff offers a course which addresses
a topic of particular relevance and interest. This topic is treated by
various KMI staff members using an interdisciplinary approach. In 1995-'96,
the chosen topic examined the question of the uniqueness of Christ in
the face of world religions: "Christianity: The Ultimate Way in a
Pluralist World?". In 1997-98 the chosen topic was, "Faith and
Cultural Identity"