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Experiment No. 5

Question: Can you grow your own mould?


Experiments: To examine mould.


You will need:

1 plastic zip-lock bag,


1. Moisten the bread.

2. Place the bread into the zip-lock bag.

3. Record and observe what happens to the bread in a week.


Mould grew all over the bread.

Find out more!

What is mould? Mould is a fungus. A fungus is a type of plant that does produce seeds. Instead, it releases tiny specks called spores into the air. When the spores land they grow into new fungi.

Sixth Class Experiments

1. Can Water Move up a Flower?

How can you show that water moves through the branch of a tree and its leaves?

3. How can you see the roots of a plant grow if they're underground?

4. Can a plant beat an obstacle course and grow towards what it needs?

5. Can you grow your own mould?

6. How can I catch spores?

7. What causes us to feel breathless?

8. Can you prove that humans breathe out CO2?

9. How do the lungs work?

10. How do the Alveoli work?

11. What happens when Yeast has sugar to feed on?

12. What is Diffusion?

13. How does the selective barrier in a cell work?

14. Are cells in vegetables damaged when they're cooked?

15. How hard does the heart work?

16. How can you see your pulse?

17. How can you discover if food contains starch?

18. How can you discover if food contains protein?

19. How can you discover if food contains fat?

20. How can you discover if food contains Vitamin C?