Experiment No. 10 Fruit Batteries
1) Roll and squeeze the lemons until they are 'squishy'. It is important that the juice is quite free, as it acts as our electrolyte. 2) Cut two slots in each lemon and put one 5 cent coin and one nail in each. 3) Connect a piece of wire to each and then connect the lemons together - 5c/nail; 5c/nail, etc 4) Then connect a wire to the coin and to the plus terminal of the LED. Connect a wire from the nail to the minus terminal of the LED.
Result: With these 'batteries' you will produce a faint glow from the LED. Conclusion: The batteries consist of two metals - copper and zinc (the galvanised nails). An electrolyte (the lemon juice) connects the two together and the LED lights up. One lemon produces about 1 volt.
Our Experiments 1. Sticky Balloons | 2.A Simple Circuit | 3. Electro-Magnetism! | 4. Conductive Liquids | 5. Hydrolysis I 6. Hydrolysis II | 7. (The Nervous System) Finding your Blindspot | 8. (The Nervous System) One Point, or Two! 9. (The Nervous System) Reflexes| 10. Fruit Batteries |