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Irish Tourist Bord

This tour will bring you through a variety of landscapes, including mountains, lakes and sea-shore.

At the foot of Croagh Patrick, (Irelands Holy mountain) you will find the National Famine Monument commemorating all those who died during the Great Famine 1845 - 1847. Beside this you will also find the ruins of a 15th century friary.
As you carry onward along the route you will pass many fine blue flag beaches. In the picturesque village of Louisburgh it is well worth calling on the Granuaile Visitor Centre, and learning all about Grace O'Malley the Irish Sea Pirate. There are some fine eating houses here, worth checking out.
Just outside Louisburgh turn left towards Leenane, the scenery is stunning as you pass through the Sheffery mountain range shooting steeply skywards all around you. There are some beautiful lakes in between the valleys, one such being Doo lake.
Just before you approach Leenane, you will pass by Ashleigh Falls. In the latter part of the summer you can observe Salmon jumping up these falls, a spectacular sight for those lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.
Next stop is Leenane, just inside Co. Galway. This lovely village is on the shores of Killary Harbour, one of the deepest fjords in Europe. The film "The Field" with Richard Harris and John Hurt was filmed here. Again there are some fine eating houses here. Worth visiting here also is the cultural centre.
The road back to Westport follows the meandering River Erriff, again with some breath taking scenery.

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