THE SEASON 1970/71
We had a very good season. won most of our games and were well up in the
Shield. In the league we are grouped in Division 3 and as we have played
most teams that are involved we stand a good chance. In our opening match
V Cork Examiner, despite losing by 2 goals to nil. One being an "own
goal" we put up a great performance which augurs well for the
remaining matches.
We hope to get more local talent and would like to see more people in the
locality taking interest. our major drawback is the lack of a playing
pitch and we are presently on the look-out for one even if for a loan.
Perhaps some farmer in the Little Island area will oblige. We certainly
would be most grateful. We would also like to hear from anyone in the
parish who would like to play.
January 1971 was the beginning of the end. Communication was obviously
after breaking down with the A.U.L. Training was stopped no funds existed.
Trying to field eleven players at the end of the season was proving most
frustrating. At this point too many problems existed and so ,The Albion
played their last season. Island Albion never reached great heights on the
playing field but because of the great character and wit, which a number
of the players possessed they provided us with some very funny stories.