THE SEASON1995/1996
The first game was played on Leeside Parks new pitch on August 13th
1995.Leeside took on Central Rovers.
Leeside won 2 - 1.
It was a proud day for all who had worked long and hard to see the
development finished.
The annual Inter league challange Game was held at Leesides magnificent
new ground on 23rd of
September 1995. Cork AUL lost a close match to Dublin AUL 1 - 0.
Leesides second division side finished runners up and got promoted to the
first division.

The opening ceremony of the new Pitch .
After years of struggle and behind the scenes activities,
the vision of a Community Sports and social Complex became a reality last
with the startup of construction on a six and a half acre site currently
used by Leeside AFC at Wallingstown, Little Island.
The complex, designed by top architect Stephen Hyde, includes a first
class Soccer pitch, Tennis courts, full changing facilities and a
Community Hall. The centre piece is a multi purpose gym, housing such
indoor sports as Football, Badminton, Tennis and Basketball.
The cost of the project is in excess of £500,000 The majority of this is
funded by the Little Island Industry's Development Company (LIIDC), a
representative group of over 30 industries operating on Little Island.
Together with the Little Island Community Association and Leeside FC, a
Holding company was formed to build the complex. The Holding company is
called Wallingstown Amenities and Recreational Company Ltd, (WARC). This
partnership must rank as one of the most unique in the country, because it
brings together the sporting, residential and industrial inhabitants of
Lttle Island, three separate groups with one aim to provide facilities
that will be of benefit to all. This is a model example of industry and
community living in harmony.
The venture has provided Leeside FC with facilities that are on a par with
the best in the country and provide the Community Association with an
ultra modern centre. The sod turning ceremony was performed by Bishop of
Cork, John Buckley on Saturday last. Among the local dignitaries at the
ceremony were the local councillors and local VIP's and MEPs. A reception
was held afterwards on the premises of
Henkel Ireland ltd. The site is located directly across from Mitsui
Mr Barry Condon of the IDA, from whom the site was purchased, has welcomed
the development and said he fully supported the project and acknowledged
the very significant contribution which the industries were making to the
community infrastructure.

1st game on new pitch 13.8.95
Leeside vs Central Rovers
Leeside B Team