Angel- Kate (Cast)

Rohm is the Detective that gives Sarah Michelle Gellar's Buffy some competition

|Elizabeth R's Bio| Angel Main|

Kate Quotes:

Kate: "No, you don't get to do that."
Angel: "What?"
Kate: "Kill a demon in front of me and then act like we're gonna have a cappuccino together. It doesn't work that way."
Angel: "How does it work?"
Kate: "I'm not convinced it does."
    ~From "The Prodigal"

Angel: "Hi. Can I come in?"
Kate: "Oh, that's right. You have to be invited in, don't you?"
Angel: "You been doing your homework."
Kate: "You wanna quiz me? I'm just full of fun facts."
    ~From "Somnambulist"

Kate: "Boy, I'm scared. And excited. And consumed with dread. I'm glad you're here."
Angel: "I doubt even one of Little Tony's hired guns will try something in a room full of cops."
Kate: "What? Oh you mean that death threat hanging overhead.  No, I meant speaking in public."
Angel: "What's that old saw? Picture your audience in their underwear?"
Kate: "Way ahead of you."
    ~From "Sense and Sensitivity"

Kate: "Now you're talking like a detective."
Angel: "I am a detective."
Kate: "Well, see, the thing about detectives is they have resumes and business licenses and last names. Pop stars and popes, those are the one-named guys."
Angel: "You got me. I'm a pope."
    ~From "Room With a View"

Kate: "This guy could go to jail tomorrow, Angel, and still kill her in her dreams every night. I've put a few of these creeps away, and the hardest part is knowing that he's still winning. She's still afraid. He took this girl's power away, and nobody can get it back for her but her."
    ~From "I Fall to Pieces"

Kate: "Way to come off like a drunken slut. Slut's better than a hypocrite, right? I'm moving up?"
Angel: "You're kind of hard on yourself."
Kate: "Well, I'm a self-flagellating hypocrite slut. What was the question?"
    ~From "Lonely Hearts"