Angel- Wesley (Cast)

Buffy's wimpy ex-watcher who is now demon-hunting in L.A. with Angel.

| Wesley as Cast of Buffy| Alexis' Bio| Angel Main|

Wesley Quotes:

Wesley: "I'm sorry. But if you let emotion control you right now, one of you will certainly end up dead."
Angel: "Yeah, that's what the lady wants."
Wesley: "That's not good enough! She's not a demon, Angel. She is a sick, sick girl. If there is even a chance she can be reasoned with..."
Angel: "There was. Last year I had a shot at saving her. I was pulling her back from the brink when some British guy kidnapped her and made damn sure she'd never trust a living soul."
    ~From "Five by Five"

Wesley: "I don’t wish to resort to drastic measures, but unless you listen, I warn you..."
Angel: "You warning me? What happened, Wes? - Did you suddenly grow a pair? Well, that’s it, isn’t it? I mean, that’s the whole root of your inferiority complex. Well, good news, Wes, old boy! You don’t really have an inferiority complex. You’re just simply – inferior."
    ~From "Eternity"

Cordy: "I was just joking Mr. Grouchy Pants. When was the last time you had a dating base?"
Wesley: "For your information, I live a rich and varied social life."
Cordy: "Oh, I know. Every night it's Jeopardy followed by Wheel of Fortune and a cup of hot cocoa. Look out girls, this one can't be tamed."
Wesley: "I'll admit it may not be as intoxicating as a life erected on high-fashion pumps and a push-up bra."
Cordy: "Hey, if anyone is wearing a push-up bra around here it's . . . Angel!"
    ~From "The Ring<"

Angel: "This is strictly recon. I need to know exactly what we're dealing with before we make any moves."
Wesley: "Right you are. Deliberate, cautious approach would be the most sensible plan. Fools rush in."
Cordy: "No, he wants you to stay here."
    ~From "The Prodigal"

Wesley: "What that demon said before. . ."
Angel: "I know you're not planning to kill me, Wesley. But you're willing to. And that's good."
    ~From "I've Got You Under My Skin"

Girl: "Nice sweater. Hand-knit?"
Wesley: "Certainly not by me!"
Girl: "I didn't mean . . . I mean, it's a great sweater."
Wesley: "Oh, well I'll pass that on then . . . to the person who knit it. I mean, I would if I knew who did. Which I don't. So I won't pass it on to anyone, will I?"
    ~From "She"

Wesley: "Hello! I was just in the neighborhood, patrolling with my new Bavarian Fighting Ax, when I suddenly thought, 'Perhaps Cordelia's had a vision. Perhaps you need my help in the battle against evil.'"
Angel: "We seem to be evil-free at the moment."
Wesley: "I also packed along a Word Puzzle 3-D, if either of you has the nerve to take me on."
Cordy: "Gee, Wesley, I'd love to, but unlike you, I'm not in my 80s quite yet."
    ~From "Expecting"

Wesley: "We made a most effective team, I felt. Vanquishing that empathy demon in such short order."
Cordy: "Yeah, well, nobody gouged out my eyes, so I'm happy."
Wesley: "Yes, most effective -- your cryptic visions, Angel's brawn, my highly developed powers of deduction..."
Cordy: "This isn't our mail."
    ~From "Somnambulist"

Angel: "Interesting look for you. Motorcycle? Watcher's Council trying out a new image?"
Wesley: "In point of fact, I no longer work for the Council. I came to the conclusion I was of greater good to the cause working autonomously."
Angel: "They fired you."
    ~From "Parting Gifts"