Colette in Cornwall

picture of eclipse On Wenesday 11th of August 1999, my Grandad, my Uncle and I set off up the cliffs in Mullion Cove. When we got to the top we picked a spot where there was a view looking out towards Lands End. None of us thought we would be so fortunate to be there at the point where the clouds broke up to see the moon rapidly obliterating the suns light and heat.

One of the world's most famous astromoners, Patrick Moore, was only two miles away from us but he sadly missed the view.

It lasted for two minutes and four seconds. 11:11.02 to 11:13:06.

I borrowed a piece of glass from a welders. They were easier to see through than the glasses I bought which were designed to watch the eclipse through.

picture of eclipse

Written by Colette

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