Lourdes '99

group in lourdes

Every year two girls are chosen to go to Lourdes, with the Cloyne Diocesan Pilgrimage. They are chosen from transition year. This year three girls went, Marian and Elaine who were sent by the school and Diane who paid for herself to go. They acted as youth helpers. They went for a week in the summer. While they were there their main duty was to help the sick and old, taking them to Mass and where ever they wanted or needed to go.

I found the pilgrimage very enjoyable and loved helping the pilgrims there. It was saddening to see so many old and sick people. It was especially sad to see sick children. It was a great experience and it was amazing how the people there adapted to the youth. I hope to get the chance to go again as I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

group in Lourdes

Written by Marian and coded by Jenna

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