Mary Ward Week

23rd January - 31st January

Picture of Mary Ward Mary Ward - foundress of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary was born 23rd Jan 1585 and died 30th Jan 1645.

She is recognised as one of the most original and interesting women of the seventh century.

She struggled, in spite of fierce opposition, to further the position of women in society through education mainly.

She founded, again in spite of fierce opposition, a new sort of international religious community. This week a number of Mary Ward quotes are displayed around the school and students are invited to write a poem or essay on their favourite quote. There is a prize for the best effort submitted by mid February.

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Previous Mary Ward Prize Winners

"Do good and do it well" - Mary Ward

Help a person, help a friend,
Wounded feelings you could mend,
Keep a secret, do not tell,
Do good and do it well.

Stay away from evil, do what is right.
Try to avoid getting into a fight.
Help a hurt person, who may have fallen.
Do good and do it well.

Share all you can, do a good deed.
Give to the poor what you do not need.
Speak politely and do not yell!
Do good and do it well

Written by Karen, First Year.
Mary Ward Week 1999 - Prize Winner

"Women In Time" - Mary Ward

Women in time will
Do much,
Come through war
And poverty,
Live, Breathe, Die

They will bring life,
Bring death,
Bring joy and sorrow.

They will bring tears
And laughter,
Bring men,
And bring women.

They will bring
And cures,
To our lives.

We will live a great life,
We will do much,
We shall have our say,

Written by Stephanie, Second Year
Mary Ward Week 1999 - Runner Up

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