St. Mark's, Second Year

How we decided to visit the old-folks-home

Before Christmas we had decided, in religion, that everyone in the class would work on doing something really nice for someone they knew, as a project for Christmas. No one knew what to do and we discussed it in religion class. We thought it would be better if we did one big project altogether. We wanted to cheer up the people who might find Christmas lonely. We discussed some ideas, but the one we liked the most, and all agreed on, was to visit the old-folks-home.

We elected five leaders, who came up with what we were going to perform there. The leaders found out if anyone played instruments and arranged the musicians into groups. There was a classical music group, Everyone was to sing Christmas carols and there would be a Christmas poem as well.

Afterwards, we had enjoyed visiting, and the old-folks had enjoyed being visited, so we decided we should visit every month if possible.

Written and coded by Maeve

St.Marks Day Out

We decided that everyone would bring in a fixed amount of money and with that we could buy lots of sweets to give to the Old Folks.We also arranged songs and different people were to bring in their musical instruments.So, with santa hats on,in we went to the Old Folks home in Fermoy.We started off by singing Christmas carols,then we played the musical instruments like the flute,violin and the box.The Old Folks loved it.Some even sang along!We then went around giving out the sweets and special cards we had made for them.Some of the people there were so lonely and were'nt used to all the attention,they cried.

All in all everyone had a brilliant time.The matron that was in charge there told us how much they really enjoyed the company.We are currently working on our next visit.Every single one of us is looking forward to seeing our old friends again

Written and coded by Eimear

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