

Poems and Stories


Loreto Times



The Loreto Times

First Edition                             February 23rd and 24th 2004

Student activities


The music section: Mad teachers saved by wise students


They played a clapping game that was getting faster and faster.


It was to help them concentrate and focus. Then they played another game were they squeezed each other’s hands with their eyes closed. Then they taught the children some Norwegian words. They started with

Some Norwegian letters. The first capital was Æ The second one was Å and the third one was Ø. They split the group of children in three and did a play.









Today in Loreto school a group of Norwegian teachers came to teach the children about their culture. They did many Subjects such as Fairytales, Math’s games, Folkdance and Art. I picked Music to report on.

I interviewed a girl Shauna  in 5th class, she is 11 years old. The reason she chose Music is because when she’s older she wants to be a singer and wants to sing in many different languages and one of them is Norwegian.


Shauna also thought their Music teaching was very different to our school’s music class. They do things such as clapping games, rapping, playing instruments such as piano and electric guitar.