Jack B.Yeats (Amongst Friends)
The red, the white, the blue and the black
These are the colours used by Jack.
Sketches, paintings, newspaper illustrations.
Jack started light, neatly in the lines
Finished wild expressing lives.
He worked up the courage to show his imagination.
Now the best painter of our Nation.
He grew old and passed away.
We will never forget the way he was in
his day.
By Nadine, Sixth Class
When I am happy I am a bright yellow
banana with rainbow lights,
When I am sad I am pale pink like
the flowers in the graveyard.
When I am angry I am like a red flaming fire
and a sour purple orange.
When I am nauseous I am like white fluffy
cotton wool in the bathroom.
Third class
Magical Scenes

Fourth Class, Room 4, put a magical scene from a wonderful
book into a box! We put material, paper, buttons, wool and much
more into an old shoe-box and turned a boring old box and some left
over materials into a wonderful and exciting keepsake to remind
us always of a wonderful book.
When I am happy I am a bright yellow banana
with rainbow lights,
When I am sad I am pale pink like
the flowers in the graveyard,
When I am angry I am like a red flaming fire
and a sour purple orange,
When I am nauseous I am like white fluffy
cotton wool in the bathroom.
By Sinead, Third class, Room 9
A Festival of Books, Stories and Poems
The Festival was planned in September. All classes in the school
were involved in the preparation. The Event opened at Halloween
when pupils dressed up as characters from their favourite books
and stories.Books came to life as story characters appeared in the
Concert Hall. Three costumes were chosen from each class and these
characters went forward to a Competition to be held during our Book
Week, three weeks later.
Classes were involved in related projects during September and
October. Individuals wrote stories, poems and books. Art work decorated
the classrooms and corridors. Models of stories were made. Little
plays were produced.
TV personalities and writers visited the classrooms. A past-pupil,
who has continued to write poetry, came and talked to students.
The Festival brought fun, excitement and life to our reading activities

Fourth Class read the story of Tracey Beaker and drew pictures
of one another. We had quite a Gallery on the school corridor.