

Poems and Stories


Loreto Times



The Loreto Times


First Edition                            February 23rd and 24th 2004

Student activities

  The technology section: Car racing

Today on the 23rd of February 2004, we visited the Technology class in Loreto senior Primary school to see how the children were doing. When we entered the class the children were busy at work. There were five teachers helping out with the children. The teachers looked happy and busy at work. All the children were using different materials to make these cars.

We took some interviews from some of the children and teachers. This is what they thought when we asked them this question:

Why did you choose this class?

I chose this class because I like making things.

It is fun.

Would you recommend this class to other people?

I would, because it is fantastic.

It is deadly making cars.

Is the work difficult and why?

No because the work is easy and fun.

I don’t think it is difficult because I enjoy working in this class.

We interviewed some of the teachers and this is their opinion about Irish students.

Irish students are wonderful and they are so quiet.

I would like to bring them to Norway with me.

At this time they look very confused but they are doing fine.

So as you can see all the children love the technology class and it is a great success. The Norwegian teachers have never taught Irish children before and they thought it was a great experience.

The conclusion was all the children in the technology class made excellent cars.

Tomorrow the teachers are going to see which car can go the furthest and there will be just one winner. The children enjoyed the technology class today and would love to do it again.



Technology is a like field of science that makes new inventions. In room 8 they are doing  modelling of cars. Here are some of the interview with pupils from the class. Kim is making a car and she is doing an Irish flag. She is using glitter paint and blown the balloon up and see whose car goes longest and if Kim’s car goes longest she gets a chocolate bar.

Clairnina is using pink paint for her car and she’s using a pink balloon, and

glitters she is making it out of a jaffa cake box and she is using a shame rock and smily face’s on her box.

Jessica and Amber are doing a car together and the colours are blue, orange and it has smily faces on the balloon and they have  eight wheels on it. Amber and Jessica are happy the Norwegian teachers are here to teach some pupils.