From an angling perspective there is much to do in the local area. For the avid angler there are many vantage points where one can pass an entire day in the most beautiful of surroundings. The phots to the left shows a section of the Lee Valley which is a little more upstream from Maglin Vale B&B towards Coachford Village. This particular stretch of waterway enjoys offer many opportunities for catching both Trout and Salmon. Traditionally, early in the morning and later in the evening tend to be the best times for guaranteeing success. The photo to the right shows a section of the Lee Valley adjacent to Dripsey. While Salmon are not as polular here there are plenty of success stories where Trout and Eels are caught. Again, early in the morning and later in the evening tend to be the best times for ensuring success.
At Maglin Value fishing bait is also available, and we have an amiciable relationship with a local bait provider. All of Maglin Vale's B&B guests can enjoy generous portions of complimentary bait during their stay, and these include worms (al l types) as well as Maggotts. We also sell many different types of lures as well as hooks, lines, fishing rods, spinners, small nets, and so on. For the more enthusiastic fisherman you might like to avail of the opportunity of hiring a boat from one of the local suppliers. Subject to availability Maglin Vale B&B will also be able to provide you any one of our four boats at no charge. Three of the boats have low horse-power 2-stroke motors, which is perfect for a pleasent ride to the various parts of the river Lee.
In the local area are many opportunities for evening entertainment including pubs, restaurants, discos, cabaret, cinema, shopping, singing, irish dancing & music, and so on. Whatever your interests you will most certainly find a forum for accommodating them in Maglin Vale's local area. In the local area there are also plenty of opportunities for night life and also for seeing some of the local traditional pubs. Here, traditional Irish music is available as is local Irish Dancing.
Aside from evening entertainment there are opportunities for participating in some of the other local leisure activities, including cycling, golf, swimming, touring, hill walking and shopping.
As your hosts we would be delighted to advise you on how to plan your stay.
Email: maglinvale@eircom.net Tel : 021-4875067 (+353-21-4875067)