Woz Is Cool

WOZ. Who is Woz you might ask. He isn't famous, why are you talking about someone I don't know....well get this Woz invented the first ever computer for home use. That's right, he invented the first version of what you are using right now to look at this site. If you still don't know who Woz is, then please Alt and F4 your ass outta here motherboard-fucker. PS Alt and F4 is also known as the Vulcan Death Grip. Ctrl Alt Delete is known as the Vulcan mind meld.

WOZ LOVES Star Trek.

WOZ is Steve Job's best friend and lover, and Woz uses a Segway. Segways are only ever driven by cool people who love computers.

WOZ is a cool name. I will Christen my first son or daughter Woz. Woz is short for Windoze, a derogatory term for Windows. My second child will be Christened Tux. My first child (Woz) will receive Mac Software for Christmas, and my second child (Tux) will receive Linux Software for every Christmas. Software always makes a great gift.

WOZ made the first Mac ever, and that led to other computers - which makes him one of my Binary Apostles.

WOZ has made me and millions of others around the world dream of owning a Segway. The Segway can be considered the Linux of the automobile world, because of the type of clientele that will purchase a Segway.

WOZ has a beard.

WOZ started me pronouncing the word INTERNET without a T in honour of him. I heard him say INNERNET once when I slept outside the Apple Offices and waited for him walk past at 8.30am on his way to work. I was arrested before I was able to get close enough to him to hug him.

WOZ is also known as the Wizard of Woz, which makes him cool.

I love him, I really do.


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