
Evaluation Form


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Answer the following questions by clicking in one box only.

 1.    Did you feel that this website has added an

        extra dimension to this area of your course?.                            Yes                     No

2.    If websites such as this were available in other areas

        would you use them?                                                                Yes                   No

3.    Did you find it easy to move around this website?                       Yes                   No

4.    Wold you recommend this website to others?                             Yes                   No

5.    Will you revisit this website in future?                                          Yes                   No

6.    How would you rate this website?               Very Good   Good    Fair      Poor

7.    How would you rate the presentation ?        Very Good   Good   Fair       Poor

8.    How would you rate this website in

        terms of content ?                                        Very Good  Good    Fair     Poor

9.    How would you rate the usefullness of 

        the images in aiding your understanding

        of the concept?                                            Very Good   Good       Fair   Poor

10.    How would you rate this website compared 

        to other educational websites you have visited? Very Good Good   Fair    Poor

      Any other comments 




Thank You for your time.


|Homepage | Thermionic Emission | Cathode Rays | Photoelectric Emission | Semiconductors |

|Junction Diode | Forward Biased | Reversed Biased |